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All around Carleton’s campus you’ll find faculty and students engaged in exciting, meaningful research and scholarship.

Three major types of research & scholarship take place at Carleton:

1. Faculty Scholarship

Alex Knodell

Carleton faculty pursue rigorous, in-depth research and study as an integral part of their faculty role.

Examples of recent faculty scholarship include:

  • Palmar Álvarez-Blanco
    Pequeño tratado de amistad. Hacia una política de respeto. Cantabria: Editorial La Vorágine, 2023.
  • Larry Cooper
    Dreaming of Justice, Waking to Wisdom. The University of Chicago Press, 2023.
  • Wes Markofski
    共同利益的好消息:美国的多元文化福音主义与伦理民主. Oxford University Press, 2023.
  • George Vrtis
    Vrtis, George and Chris Wells. Nature’s Crossroads: The Twin Cities and Greater Minnesota. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2023.
  • Deborah Appleman
    Literature and the New Culture Wars. Norton Professional Books, 2022.
  • Laura Chihara
    Chihara, Laura and Tim Hesterberg. Mathematical Statistics with Resampling and R (3rd edition). Wiley, 2022.
  • Chloé Fandel
    Clutter, Melissa, Chloé Fandel, Ty Ferré. The Basics of Groundwater. Nova Science Publishers, 2022.
  • Deanna Haunsperger
    Haunsperger, Deanna and Della Dumbaugh. Count Me In. American Mathematical Society, 2022.
  • David Liben-Nowell
    Connecting Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science. Cambridge University Press, 2022.
  • Rebecca Brueckmann
    Massive Resistance and Southern Womanhood. The University of Georgia Press, 2021.
  • Alex Knodell
    Societies in Transition in Early Greece: An Archaeological History. University of California Press, 2021.
  • Adeeb Khalid
    Central Asia: A New History from the Imperial Conquests to the Present. Princeton University Press, 2021.
  • Brooke McCorkle Okazaki
    Shonen Knife’s Happy Hour: Food, Gender, Rock & Roll. Bloomsbury Press, 2021.
  • Daniel Groll
    Conceiving People. Oxford University Press, 2021.
  • Nathan Grawe
    The Agile College: How Institutions Successfully Navigate Demographic Changes. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2021.
  • Shaohua Guo
    The Evolution of the Chinese Internet: Creative Visibility in the Digital Public. Stanford University Press, 2021.
  • Clara Hardy
    Athens 415: The City in Crisis. University of Michigan Press, 2020.
  • Michael McNally
  • Defend the Sacred: Native American Religious Freedom Beyond the First Amendment. Princeton University Press, 2020.
  • Eric Egge
    An Introduction to Symmetric Functions and Their Combinatorics. American Mathematical Society, 2019.
  • Yansi Perez
    Mas Alla Del Duello. UCA Editores, 2019.
  • Jorge Brioso
    Brioso, Jorge and James Irby. A Poetic Order of Excess: Essays on Poets and Poetry. Green Integer 209, 2019
  • Scott Carpenter and Helena Kaufman.
    Integrating Worlds: How Off-Campus Study Can Transform Undergraduate Education. Stylus Publishing, 2019.
  • Barbara Allen
    Allen, Barbara and Daniel Stevens. Truth in Advertising? Lies in Political Advertising and How They Affect the Electorate. Lexington Books, 2019.
  • Iveta Jusova
    Panel Story: Life of a Community. 2019.
  • Deborah Appleman
    Words No Bars Can Hold. W. W. Norton & Company, 2019.
  • Kimberly Smith
    The Conservation Constitution. University Press of Kansas, 2019.

2. Student Scholarship

Students are encouraged through Comps, independent study classes, and fellowship opportunities, to pursue significant scholarly work.

Here are a few examples of recent student research & scholarship:

Eway Cai ’23

Eway Cai ’23 花了一个夏天的时间在上海西门子健康工程师创新中心对医疗领域的新兴技术进行研究和分析. Her four topics of interest were digital pathology, surgical robotics, surgical navigation, and digital therapeutics. Throughout the internship, way专注于寻找这些领域的初创企业和产品,这些企业和产品可能是与该公司合作的好选择. Her experience was funded by the Multicultural Alumni Network (MCAN) Fellows Program.

Maia Danks ’22

Maia Danks ’22, a biology and studio art double major, 前往哥斯达黎加,在曼努埃尔·安东尼奥国家公园的动物保护区工作. Her work included caring for animals, leading tours, and public education. As a biology major, Maia is interested in the ecological and animal sides of the discipline, 她在保护区的经历给了她一个学习保护动物和与动物建立联系的机会. Maia’s experience was funded by the Barry “Mike” Casper Memorial Endowment Fund.

Khalid Hussain ’22

Computer Science major Khalid Hussain ’22, spent a summer as the “Data for Organizing Intern” at TakeAction MN, 这个职位将领导力发展与数据收集和数字组织的分析技能相结合. 领导力发展方面需要发展那些致力于推动社会变革的组织者的技能和经验. 数字组织方面涉及呈现和分析过去一年中参与组织工作的基地的统计数据. 他还参与了各种数据维护项目,以删除他所使用的数据库中多余或重复的数据点. Khalid’s experience was a Social Justice Internship funded through the Chaplain’s Office.

Win Wen Ooi ’22

Win Wen Ooi ’22, a sociology and anthropology major with a minor in cross-cultural studies, 在她的祖国马来西亚花了一段时间研究COVID-19大流行如何影响菜市场文化, and the relationship between culture and politics in Penang. She also looked more specifically at a traditional festival, the Hungry Ghosts Festival, 以及组织者“构建传统意义的方式,以及疫情对传统的影响”.” Her experience was funded by the Professor Roy F. Grow Fellowship.

Scott Shafer ’22

For his Classics comps project, Scott Shafer ’22 深入研究了公元前430年为希腊神阿波罗建造的圣殿的神秘历史.C.E. near the ancient city of Athens. Beginning with a single inscription, Scott broadened his research using textual analysis, 缩小到希腊宗教和五世纪雅典的政治动态. As a result, 他不仅成功地揭示了历史的灰色地带,而且将一个经常被浪漫化的时代的政治现实重新置于背景中.

Find more information at Undergraduate Research.

3. Faculty-Student Scholarship

Professor Layla Oesper and four students

Carleton students regularly contribute to faculty scholarship, 在课间休息时作为学生研究伙伴或在学期中作为学生参加研究课程.

Examples of recent student-faculty collaborative work include:

Student: Ruken Bastimar ’22
Supervisor: Kathleen Galotti, Professor of Cognitive Science
Other Contributors: Isabella Vazquez ’24
Title: Assessing Ways of Knowing and Preferences for Online vs. In‐Person Learning

The rapid spread of COVID‐19 necessitated worldwide distance learning. 先前的研究已经确定了基于性别的差异,学生的表现取决于教学模式. Another branch of research has also identified two ways of knowing (WOK), 男女大学生对关联认知有不同的倾向:女性严重依赖关联认知(CK);, which emphasizes empathy, collaboration, and withholding judgment, and males using separate knowing (SK), which includes detachment from emotions, critical reasoning, and argumentation. 本研究招募了213名本科生,并使用两种工具来评估WOK和对教学模式的偏好,以确定基于性别的WOK差异是否可以预测在线和面对面学习的偏好. The results, although showing clear gender differences for WOK, WOK与学习模式偏好无显著相关, 这表明WOK可能不能准确预测学生对在线或面对面学习的偏好.

Student: Teagan Johnson ’23
Supervisor: Aaron Bauer, Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Title: Dragon Architect 2.0

Over the summer of 2021, 23岁的Teagan Johnson和Aaron Bauer教授合作重新实现了一款旨在介绍基本计算思想的教育游戏. The work focused on transitioning the game, Dragon Architect, to use a variety of modern web technologies such as ReactJS and Typescript. 旧的代码主要是用javascript编写的,已经过时,难以理解. 通过使用ReactJS,该项目成功地实现了使代码库更加直观的目标, 通过向重要的代码块添加注释来改进代码文档, and make the code more flexible to ensure ease of adding future extensions. 这些改进将有助于Dragon Architect支持计算机科学教育的使命.

Student: Emily Schulenberg ’22
Supervisor: Rika Anderson, Assistant Professor of Biology
Title: Ocean Memory

海洋记忆是指微生物可以编码特定的遗传信息,使它们能够记住各种环境条件. 这将导致同一物种的微生物具有不同的基因,以适应各自的环境. Saanich Inlet is an oxygen minimum zone off the coast of Washington State. Since oxygen levels vary by depth and location, microbes within Saanich Inlet may show evidence of ocean memory. 这项研究旨在寻找该地区存在海洋记忆的迹象. Using bioinformatic analyses, this project classified different genomes that were found in the samples. 发现微生物家族在深度上有所不同,最浅和最深的样品之间几乎没有重叠,这表明深度可能决定微生物多样性.

Student: David Wilson ’22
Supervisor: Joe Chihade, Professor of Chemistry
Other Contributors: Molly Kammann ’22
Title: Exploring Helminth Aminoacyl‐tRNA Synthetases

寄生虫,也被称为蠕虫,目前感染了全世界大约20亿人. Existing treatment options are limited and many cause harmful side effects. We are working to investigate novel drug targets in these parasites. 其中包括在蛋白质合成中起重要作用的酶家族, aminoacyl‐tRNA synthetases. 这些酶将适当的氨基酸连接到相应的tRNA上,这样蛋白质就可以正确地组装起来. Using genomic data to predict the protein sequences, 研究的重点是可能在结构上与人类同源物差异最大的合成酶. The team designed gene sequences to insert into E. coli with the intent of expressing and purifying the helminth enzymes. 项目结果是准确插入了16个感兴趣的合成酶中的8个,并尝试表达了5个蛋白.

Find more information at Undergraduate Research.

Two students and a professor in a biology lab